Early Years

Welcome to Foundation Stage

At Westgarth it is our aim to provide a learning environment where children are secure, happy, active and able to learn by following their own interests. Our Foundation Stage garden provides much opportunity to explore and develop our skills for much of the day supported by adults extending their play.

We use The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework to support us in our work in both Nursery and Reception. The framework sets out the legal welfare requirements that we must follow to keep your child safe and promote their welfare. It also sets out the 7 areas of learning and development around which we plan our activities to support the development of your child. Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through the 7 areas of learning and development.

These areas are:

• Communication and language;
• Physical development;
• Personal, social and emotional development.

As your child grows, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific areas:

• Literacy;
• Mathematics;
• Understanding the world; and
• Expressive arts and design

We use these seven areas to plan your child’s learning and activities. We know that children learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking and we plan lots of activities to support this both indoors and outside.


Meet the Foundation Stage Team

Early Years Foundation Stage Lead

Mrs J Jackson


Mrs J Wilson – Class Teacher (Key Person)
Mrs E Duggan – Class Teacher (Key Person)
Miss C Ripley – Teaching Assistant


Mrs J Jackson – Class Teacher (Key Person) and Early Years Foundation Stage Lead                                                                                                        Miss R Greenwood – Class Teacher (Key person)
Mrs M Pears – Class Teacher (Key person)
Mrs K Cordiner – Teaching Assistant
Miss L Caley – Teaching Assistant
Miss J Goldby – Teaching Assistant