School Uniform

At Westgarth Primary School, we take pride in our school school uniform; it helps create a sense of identity and belonging. Children are expected to wear a uniform each day, and should have suitable clothing for both indoor and outdoor physical education.

T-shirts, polo shirts, cardigans, fleeces, sweatshirts, hats and caps, all bearing the School logo, or Nursery School logo, can be ordered from or purchased at Tinkerella, Queen Street, Redcar.

Please ensure that all items are labelled, including: schools bags, packed lunch boxes, water bottles and PE kits.


Our school uniform:

  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore (Year 6 – black optional)
  • Bottle green jumper or cardigan (Year 6 – black)
  • White, gold or bottle green polo shirt
  • Black shoes without a heel


Westgarth’s Indoor PE Kit 

  • White t-shirt 
  • Bottle green shorts 
  • Plimsolls/trainers 


Westgarth’s Outdoor PE Kit:

  • White t-shirt 
  • Trainers 
  • Dark, plain tracksuit top and bottoms (unbranded)
  • In addition to this, children can wear their school sweatshirts or as an alternative one of our uniform suppliers, Tinkerella, now stock a PE hoodie but this is optional buyer choice. 

Children should wear their PE shorts under their tracksuit bottoms ready for PE or alternatively in their bags ready to change into if they were to come in outdoor kit. 



  • Girls – one piece costume
  • Boys – trunks above the knee
  • Both – towel and swim bag



Jewellery is not permitted in school with the exception of watches and one plain ear stud. 

Children must be able to independently remove ear studs before PE and swimming lessons, except for the half term of Autumn 1 where children can bring in plasters/tape to put over their ears during PE.

Long hair needs to be tied back so please make sure your child has their hair tied up or brings a bobble for your child to put their hair up before the lesson.


Mobile Phones

Mobile Phones are not permitted in school except by special arrangement. If an arrangement is in place, they must be handed into the school office before school begins and collected at the end of the day.