Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Westgarth Primary School is an inclusive school. All pupils, irrespective of specific needs, are offered teaching and opportunities to enable them to reach their full potential, and, most importantly, feel valued as individuals.
If you have any enquiries or concerns about your child relating to these areas, please talk to their class teacher. Where appropriate, they can then involve other professionals in school, such as the Headteacher, specific subject co-ordinator or SENDCo.
For further information on SEND at Westgarth, please see the following documents:
To access our SEND information report, please Click here
At any time, please feel free to contact our school office, via telephone or email, who will direct your query to the appropriate member of our team.
Email: westgarthoffice@westgarthprimary.co.uk
Tel: 01642 485560
SENDCo – Mrs F Boalch